Acer Personal Computer Panel PC 1000 User Manual

PANEL PC 1000  
All-in-One 10.4”  
Super Slim PANEL PC  
User’s Manual  
Safety Approvals  
!"CE Marking  
!"FCC Class A  
FCC Compliance  
This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a  
Class-A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These  
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful  
interference in a residential installation. If not installed and used in  
accordance with proper instructions, this equipment might generate or  
radiate radio frequency energy and cause harmful interference to  
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment  
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which  
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is  
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the  
following measurers:  
1. Reorient or reloc a te the rec eiving a ntenna .  
2. Inc rea se the sepa ra tion between the equipment a nd  
rec eiver.  
3. C onnec t the equipment into a n outlet on a c irc uit  
different from tha t to whic h the rec eiver is c onnec ted.  
4. C onsult the dea ler or a n experienc ed ra dio/TV  
tec hnic ia n for help.  
Shielded interface cables must be used in order to comply with  
emission limits.  
Safety Precautions  
Before getting started, read the following important cautions.  
1. The PANEL PC 1000 does not c ome equipped with a n  
opera ting system. An opera ting system must be loa ded  
first before insta lling a ny softwa re into the c omputer.  
2. Be sure to ground yourself to prevent sta tic c ha rge when  
insta lling the interna l c omponents. Use a grounding wrist  
stra p a nd pla c e a ll elec tronic c omponents in a ny  
sta tic -shielded devic es. Most elec tronic c omponents a re  
sensitive to sta tic elec tric a l c ha rge.  
3. Disc onnec t the power c ord from the PANEL PC 1000  
before ma king a ny insta lla tion. Be sure both the system  
a nd the externa l devic es a re turned OFF. Sudden surge  
of power c ould ruin sensitive c omponents. Ma ke sure the  
PANEL PC 1000 is properly grounded.  
4. The brightness of the fla t pa nel displa y dec rea ses with  
usa ge. However, hours of use va ry depending on the  
a pplic a tion environment.  
5. Turn OFF the system power before c lea ning. C lea n the  
system using a c loth only. Do not spra y a ny liquid c lea ner  
direc tly onto the sc reen. The PANEL PC 1000 ma y c ome  
with or w/o a touc h sc reen. Although the touc h sc reen is  
c hemic a l resista nt, it is rec ommended tha t you spra y the  
liquid c lea ner on a c loth first before wiping the sc reen. In  
c a se your system c omes without the touc h sc reen, you  
must follow the sa me proc edure a nd not spra y a ny  
c lea ner on the fla t pa nel direc tly.  
6. Avoid using sha rp objec ts to opera te the touc h sc reen.  
Sc ra tc hes on the touc h sc reen ma y c a use ma lfunc tion  
or interna l fa ilure to the touc h sc reen.  
7. The fla t pa nel displa y is not susc eptible to shoc k or  
vibra tion. When a ssembling the PANEL PC 1000, ma ke  
sure it is sec urely insta lled.  
8. Do not open the system’s ba c k c over. If opening the  
c over for ma intena nc e is a must, only a tra ined  
tec hnic ia n is a llowed to do so. Integra ted c irc uits on  
c omputer boa rds a re sensitive to sta tic elec tric ity. To  
a void da ma ging c hips from elec trosta tic disc ha rge,  
observe the following prec a utions:  
#"Before handling a board or integrated circuit, touch an  
unpainted portion of the system unit chassis for a few  
seconds. This will help to discharge any static electricity on  
your body.  
#"When handling boards and components, wear a  
wrist-grounding strap, available from most electronic  
component stores.  
Trademarks Acknowledgments  
AC NODES is a tra de ma rk of AC NODES Inc .  
ALI is a tra de ma rk of Ac e r La bora torie s, Inc .  
AMD is a tra de ma rk of Adva nc e d Mic ro De vic e s, Inc .  
AMI is a tra de ma rk of Ame ric a n Me ga tre nds, Inc .  
C yrix is a tra de ma rk of C yrix C orpora tion.  
ELO is a tra de ma rk of ELO Touc h Syste ms, Inc .  
IBM, PC /AT, PS/2, VG A a re tra de ma rks of Inte rna tiona l  
Busine ss Ma c hine s C orpora tion.  
Inte l a nd Pe ntium a re tra de ma rks of Inte l C orpora tion.  
MS-DOS, Mic rosoft C a nd Quic k BASIC a re tra de ma rks of  
Mic rosoft C orpora tion.  
SMC is a tra de ma rk of Sta nda rd Mic rosyste ms  
C orpora tion.  
C &T is a tra de ma rk of C hips a nd Te c hnologie s, Inc .  
SST is a tra de ma rk of Silic on Stora ge Te c hnology, Inc .  
UMC is a tra de ma rk of Unite d Mic roe le c tronic s  
C orpora tion.  
Othe r bra nd na me s a nd tra de ma rks a re the prope rtie s of  
the ir re spe c tive ow ne rs.  
This page does not contain any information.  
Table of Contents  
Chapter 1 Introduction ------------------------------- 1  
General Description......................................... 1  
Specifications .................................................. 2  
Dimensions...................................................... 4  
I/O Outlets........................................................ 5  
Utilities Supported........................................... 6  
Chapter 2 System Configuration ------------------ 7  
System Configuration ...................................... 7  
2.1.1 Front Vie w ............................................................... 7  
Panel Mount..................................................... 8  
Chapter 3 System Installation --------------------- 9  
4 x Serial Ports ...............................................12  
Parallel Port ....................................................13  
Ethernet ..........................................................13  
Digital I/Os ......................................................14  
Keyboard ........................................................14  
3.10 PS/2 Mouse .....................................................14  
3.11 External FDD...................................................15  
3.12 Expansion Slot................................................16  
3.13 System O/S and Software Installation.............17  
Appendix A Power Supply Specifications---- 19  
Standard AC Power Supplies ...................................19  
Optional DC Power Supplies ....................................21  
Table of Contents  
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PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
C h a p t e r 1  
This chapter contains the general information and the detailed  
specifications of the PANEL PC1000. Chapter 1 includes the following  
$"G enera l Desc ription  
$"System Spec ific a tion  
$"I/O Outlets  
$"Utilities Supported  
1.1 General Description  
The PANEL PC 1000 super slim industrial PANEL PCs are mainly  
designed for industrial automation and some space-constricted  
embedded applications. For some space-concerned industries, a  
traditional PC with a separate main system, display monitor and  
keyboard is simply not integrated enough.  
Ruggedly designed, the PANEL PC 1000 is 100% IBM PC/AT  
compatible and it integrates super I/Os, VGA, 10.4” TFT, touch screen,  
Ethernet, and packs special industrial features like watchdog timer,  
CMOS double backup, all in a single system. The full PC  
functionality coupled with its industrial-grade construction easily tailors  
the system for any embedded applications and allows the system to  
endure continuous operation in any hostile industrial environments  
where stability and reliability are a must. Common applications of the  
PANEL PC 1000 include tooling machine, POI terminal, stand-alone  
KIOSK, medical instrument, mobile communication device and  
banking system - to name just a few.  
Designed by the PC experts for PC professionals, the PANEL PC  
1000 is virtually the ultimate one-step solution for your space-limited  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
1.2 Specifications  
Core System for system board  
$"C PU: Inte l C e le ron 300 up to 733 MHz;  
Inte l Pe ntium III 500 up to1.0G hz  
$"System C hipset: Inte l 440BX C ore Logic C ontrolle r  
$"BIOS: Awa rd BIO S, Y2K c omplia nt  
2Mbit Fla sh RO M, DMI, Plug a nd Pla y  
$"System Memory: O ne 168-pin DIMM (PC -100)  
Ma ximum SDRAM of up to 256MB  
$"L2 C a c he: Inte gra te d in C PU  
$"Rea l Time C loc k: Da lla s STM48T86PC 1 or la te st produc t  
$"Wa tc hdog Timer: Syste m re se t or Non-Ma sk Inte rrupt  
softwa re progra mma ble Time inte rva l a nd  
jumpe r se le c ta ble ;  
64 le ve ls, 0.5~8 / 5~80 / 50~800 / 100~1600  
se c onds  
I/O System  
$"Sta nda rd I/O:  
4 x se ria l ports with powe r; 3 x RS-2 3 2 , 1 x  
RS-2 3 2 / 4 2 2 / 4 8 5 jum pe r se le cta ble  
1 x pa ra lle l port, SPP/ EPP/ ECP  
1 x Exte rna l FDD Inte rfa ce  
2 x HDD Inte rfa ce  
1 x Ke yboa rd Inte rfa ce  
1 x PS/ 2 Mouse Inte rfa ce  
2 x USB Ports  
$"Digita l I/O: Input x 4, O utput x 4  
3 2 -bit Plug & Pla y Fa st Ethe rne t Controlle r  
RJ-4 5 conne ctor  
ESS Solo-1 1 9 3 8 3 2 -bit PCI 2 .1 Audio Drive controlle r  
$"VG A/Fla t Pa nel C ontroller:  
AGP Inte rfa ce C&T6 9 0 0 0 controlle r with inte gra te d 2 MB  
Sim ulta ne ously supports CRT a nd fla t pa ne l displa ys  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
Built-in P eripherals  
$"Sta nda rd 100W pow e r supply  
$"2.5” Ha rd disk (540MB or up)  
$"10.4” ELO a nti-gla re a na log re sistive touc h sc re e n w ith  
RS- 232 c ontrolle r sha ring C OM3  
$"Syste m c ooling fa n  
Optional DC power supplies rate d at +12V, +24V and  
+48V are also available . (Se e Appe ndix A)  
System Specification  
$"10.4” TFT w ith 640 x 480 re solution  
$"Exte rna l FDD inte rfa c e  
$"NEMA 4/12 se a le d front pa ne l  
$"He a t dispe nsing de sign  
$"PC /104 e xpa nsion Bus  
$"One fre e slot for PC I/ISA e xpa nsion  
$"Net weight: 4.2 KG S  
$"Dimension (ma in body size):  
PANEL PC 1 0 0 0  
3 3 0 x 2 6 6 x 9 3 m m (with  
one ISA or PCI e xpa nsion  
ca rd)  
$"Opera ting Tempera ture Ra nge: 0oC ~ 40oC  
$"Rela tive Humidity: 5% ~ 95%; non-c onde nsing  
For more de taile d information on the syste m e ngine  
board use d in your PANEL PC , re fe r to the syste m board  
Users Manual that c ame with the system pac kaging.  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
1.3 Dimensions  
PANEL1000-370 10.4" FLAT PANEL PC (unit: mm)  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
1.4 I/O Outlets  
The following figure shows the I/O arrangement of the PANEL PC  
1000. The backside of the chassis contains most of the connectors.  
1. Ethernet RJ-45 phone  
ja c k  
8. C OM3  
9. C OM2  
2. PS/2 mouse  
3. Keyboa rd  
4. Externa l FDD  
10. C OM1  
11. VG A port IF  
12. AC inlet  
5. 4-c ha nnel Digita l  
6. Pa ra llel port  
7. C OM4  
13. Power switc h  
14. +5V/12V DC outlet  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
1.5 Utilities Supported  
%"Watchdog Utility  
%"Ethernet Utility  
%"VGA Drivers  
%"Touch screen Utility  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
C h a p t e r 2  
System Configuration  
This chapter details the system parts and components with figures.  
Sections include  
$"System Ma jor Pa rts  
$"Pa nel Mount  
2.1 System Configuration  
2.1.1 Front View  
The figure below shows the front views of PANEL PC1000.  
Power LED  
Ethernet LED  
System Configuration  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
2.2 Panel Mount  
The PANEL PC 1000 is mainly designed for panel mount application.  
To mount the PANEL PC 1000, the standard set of mounting kit  
(included in the system packaging) is needed. Please refer to the  
following figure.  
System Configuration  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
C h a p t e r 3  
System Installation  
This chapter describes the installation and the cable connection to the  
system connectors. See system board User’s Manual that came with  
your PANEL PC packaging for more details. Sections in this chapter  
$"C PU  
$"VG A  
$"Expa nsion  
$"Digita l I/O  
$"Keyboa rd  
$"PS/2 Mouse  
$"Externa l FDD  
$"System O/S  
a nd  
$"4 x Seria l  
Softwa re  
Insta lla tion  
$"Pa ra llel Port  
The PANEL PC 1000 has a Pentium III little board with a free PCI/ISA  
slot inside. It already builds in a Pentium III CPU, relevant DRAM and  
a 2.5” HDD. These are all standard and the system is ready to play.  
System performance can be increased by upgrading to a higher  
performance CPU, higher capacity DRAM modules and hard disk  
drive. The user can use the I/O ports located at the back side of the  
chassis to connect external peripheral devices, such as a monitor,  
serial devices, parallel printer…etc.  
Make sure the powe r c ord is disc onne c te d be fore any  
installation. To install any inte rnal devic e suc h as C PU,  
DRAM and HDD, take out the re ar c hassis c ove r first.  
System Installation  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.1 CPU  
The standard PANEL PC 1000 system already builds in Pentium  
III-level CPU. When upgrading to a new CPU of the same level, follow  
the instructions below;  
1. To remove the existing C PU requires the use of a c hip  
2. Loc a te pin 1 a t the c orner of the C PU soc ket a nd a lign  
the C PUs pin 1 with the pin 1 on the soc ket.  
3. Pla c e the C PU in the soc ket. If the insertion of the C PU to  
the soc ket is not ea sy, then c hec k whether the notc h on  
the c orner of the C PU a nd the notc h on the soc ket a re  
properly a ligned.  
4. When a new C PU is insta lled, other settings on the system  
c ontrol boa rd inc luding C PU type, C PU bus c loc k a nd  
C PU volta ge ma y need to be a djusted. Ma ke sure a ll the  
settings a re c orrec t for the insta lled C PU. (See the C PU  
jumper settings in the C PU c a rd Users Ma nua l tha t c a me  
with the PANEL PC pa c ka ging).  
3.2 DRAM  
The system control board provides 1 x 168-pin DIMM sockets  
supporting system memory up to 256MB.  
To install the memory module;  
1. Disc onnec t a ll power sourc es.  
2. The memory module c a n only fit into the soc ket one wa y.  
Holding the memory module with the notc h on the upper  
right c orner, then insert the memory module a t a 45°  
Angle a nd push the module upright until it c lic ks into  
pla c e.  
The system auto detects the new memory size and it is not necessary  
to change the system configuration after installation.  
System Installation  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.3 HDD  
The standard PANEL PC 1000 already builds in a 2.5” hard disk drive.  
If the user intends to remove the existing device for repair or for a  
higher-capacity one, then follow the installation instructions below.  
1. Ta ke out the sc rews a nd remove the HDD bra c ket.  
Mounting orienta tion of the HDD bra c kets on PANEL PC  
1000 a re not simila r to ea c h other. The four sc rews  
mounting the PANEL PC 1000 HDD bra c ket sits a t the  
bottom of the bra c ket.  
2. Reinsta ll the new ha rd disk driver to the HDD bra c ket a nd  
sc rew the HDD bra c ket to the system c ompa rtment a ga in.  
The four rubber sta nds a c t a s c ushions to lessen the  
vibra tion tha t usua lly c a uses da ma ge to mec ha nic a l  
devic es like a ha rd disk driver.  
3. Use the IDE c a ble to c onnec t the HDD to the IDE pin  
c onnec tor. Ma tc h pin 1 of the HDD a nd the pin 1 of the  
c a ble.  
System Installation  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.4 4 x Serial Ports  
The PANEL PC 1000 provides four onboard serial ports installed on  
the bottom rear side of the chassis. Arrangements on PANEL PC  
1000 specify COM1, COM2, COM3 providing RS-232 interface, and  
with its RS-422/485 interface connected to COM4. Each serial port  
comes with +5V/+12V power capabilities on both Pin 1 and Pin 9,  
ready to accommodate a wide array of serial devices such as fax  
modem, scanner, serial mouse, touch screen...etc. If the touch  
screen option is included, its controller will share COM3.  
COM1 to COM4 are all D-SUB 9-pin connectors. To attach to any  
serial device, just plug in the device connector to the 9-pin D-SUB. In  
terms of transmission distance, the RS-422/485 will perform better  
than RS-232. In this case, the COM2 is suggested to be set to  
RS-422/485 and the related jumpers have to be set correctly first (see  
the system board User’s Manual). The RS-485 pin assignment is  
listed below.  
Signal Name  
Pin #  
No connector  
No connector  
No connector No connector  
No connector No connector  
No connector No connector  
No connector No connector  
System Installation  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.5 Parallel Port  
The printer interface is a 25-pin D-SUB connector. To connect any  
parallel device, just plug in the device connector to the 25-pin D-SUB.  
3.6 VGA  
The PANEL PC 1000 has an analog RGB interface connector. It is  
able to connect to an expansion CRT monitor, and the system can  
display on both the flat panel and the CRT simultaneously.  
3.7 Ethernet  
The PANEL PC 1000 provides an NE2000 compatible Ethernet  
(RJ-45) interface. For network connection, just plug in one cable end  
of the PANEL PC 1000 100-Base-T Hub into the standard Ethernet  
phone jack. The pin assignment of the RJ-45 is listed below;  
RJ-45 Connector Pin Assignment  
Tx+ (Data transmission positive)  
Tx- (Data transmission negative)  
Rx+(Data reception positive)  
Rx- (Data reception negative)  
others Not use  
System Installation  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.8 Digital I/Os  
The PANEL PC 1000 provides a digital I/O of 4-channel inputs/outputs  
for simple automation control. For example, it can be used to control  
the opening and closing of the cash drawer on a POS system. It can  
also be used for UPS control. It comes with a 15-pin D-SUB connector,  
and its pin position and pin assignment is shown on the following  
Digital I/O Pin Assignment  
OUT 1  
OUT 2  
OUT 3  
P10 GND  
P11 IN1  
P12 IN2  
P13 IN3  
P14 IN4  
P15 GND  
11 12 13 14 15  
3.9 Keyboard  
The PANEL PC 1000 provides a standard PS/2 keyboard connector. If  
the user would like to use AT keyboard interface, a conversion cable  
is also provided to make this connection.  
3.10 PS/2 Mouse  
The PANEL PC 1000 has one PS/2 mouse connector. A simple  
plug-in will make the connection.  
System Installation  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.11 External FDD  
The PANEL PC 1000 does not build in any floppy disk drive into the  
main system. Rather, it provides a FDD interface. An external FDD  
cable is provided to connect a standard 3.5” FDD to the system for  
system O/S and application software installation. The pin positions  
and pin assignments are listed on the next page.  
An optional e xte rnal FDD is available for the  
PANEL1000-370 syste m. C onsult your authorize d de ale rs or  
sale s re pre se ntative s for more information.  
PANEL PC 1000  
External FDD Pin Assignment  
P 1  
P 2  
P 14  
P 15  
P 16  
P 17  
P 18  
P 19  
P 20  
P 21  
P 22  
P 23  
P 24  
P 25  
P 26  
P 3  
P 4  
P 5  
P 6  
P 7  
P 8  
P 9  
P 10  
P 11  
P 12  
P 13  
VCC +5V  
System Installation  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.12 Expansion Slot  
The PANEL PC 1000, this comes as a standard system feature. If the  
system comes with expansion capability, then the system includes a  
PCI/ISA expansion riser card to accommodate either an ISA or PCI  
device at a given time. Due to the internal space limitation, only a  
half-size expansion card can be adapted. To use the ISA or PCI  
expansion, refer to the following figure and follow the installation  
instructions below;  
1. Plug the riser c a rd into the onboa rd PC I/ISA slot first.  
2. Sc rew the meta l opening to the power supply bra c ket  
a nd the multi-I/O c onversion meta l piec e.  
3. Plug either a n ISA or PC I c a rd into the ISA or PC I slot on the  
riser c a rd a nd sc rew the expa nsion c a rd to the meta l  
opening piec e. All the c onnec tors of the expa nsion c a rd  
will c ome out from the opening on the rea r c over for  
further c a ble c onnec tion.  
4. Sc rew the rea r c over to the c ha ssis.  
Please also note that the total height of the system with expansion  
slot is 93 mm.  
System Installation  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
3.13 System O/S and Software Installation  
The PANEL PC 1000 is not equipped with any operating system. It  
builds in a 2.5” HDD and 1.5MB Solid State Disk as memory storage  
device. As both devices are built in the system chassis, to load any  
O/S or application software into the computer, an external device is  
needed to act as a bridge. There are three major ways to load  
software into the system.  
1. Use an external FDD: Atta c h a 3.5” FDD to the externa l  
FDD port via the provided externa l FDD c a ble.26-pin FDD  
c onnec tor must be plugged into the system FDD  
c onnec tor; the 34-pin sta nda rd 3.5” FDD signa l c onnec tor  
a nd the 4-pin FDD power c onnec tor a re c onnec ted to the  
sta nda rd 3.5” FDD. Then, c onfigure the system BIOS setup  
a nd insert a 3.5” disk c onta ining nec essa ry softwa re a nd  
sta rt the insta lla tion.  
2. Use Ethernet: If the Ethernet BOOTROM is a lrea dy inc luded  
in the system, the user c a n boot up the system via  
BOOTROM a nd downloa d system O/S or a pplic a tion  
softwa re from the net.  
3. Use External CD-ROM/ HDD: When using a n externa l  
C D-ROM or HDD for softwa re insta lla tion on P PANEL PC  
1000 a n optiona l P-IDE devic e is needed. The P-IDE devic e  
is a c onverter to c onvert the pa ra llel port to the IDE  
interfa c e.  
System Installation  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
This page does not contain any information.  
System Installation  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
A p p e n d i x A  
Power Supply Specifications  
Standard AC Power Supplies  
PANEL PC 1000 Power Supply  
The power supply used in the PANEL PC 1000 is a 100W open frame  
power supply. The specifications and features of this special power  
supply are listed in the following sections.  
$"High e ffic ie nc y 100W output  
$"Unive rsa l input 100 to 240 VAC  
$"O ve r-volta ge prote c tion  
$"Sma ll size 3” X 5” footprint  
$"C ontinuous short c irc uit prote c tion  
$"C onduc tive EMI me e ts FC C c la ss B  
Output Specifications  
$"Volta ge Ac c ura c y  
%"+ 5VDC primary output: + 5%  
%"Auxiliary output: + 5%  
$"Tota l output power  
%"Convection cooled: 100W  
%"Forced air cooling: 125W @ 25CFM  
$"Hold-up time : 50ms type .  
$"O ve r-volta ge prote c tion: a pprox. 5.8V  
$"Short c irc uit prote c tion: C ontinuous  
$"Ripple a nd noise : 1% pe a k ~ pe a k ma x.  
Input Specifications  
$"Input volta ge ra nge : 100~240 VAC  
$"Inrush c urre nt: 2.4A a t 100VAC or 30A a t 240VAC (c old sta rt)  
$"Input fre que nc y: 47~63 Hz  
$"Line re gula tion:+ 1%  
Power Supply Specifications  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
General Specifications  
$"Effic ie nc y: 86% typ.  
Environmental Specifications  
$"O pe ra ting te mpe ra ture ra nge : 0°C to 40°C  
$"Stora ge te mpe ra ture ra nge -40°C to +85°C  
$"Humidity, non-c onde nsing: 5% ~ 95%  
$"Altitude : 0 to 10,000 fe e t  
International Standards  
Safety Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following sta nda rds:  
UL 1950, C SA 22.2 NO . 234, VDE EN 60 950  
EMI Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following limits:  
FC C doc ke t 20780 c urve “ B”, EN55022 “ B”  
CE Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following sta nda rds:  
IEC-801-2 Level 3  
IEC-801-3 Level 3  
IEC-801-4 Level 3  
IEC-801-5 Level 3  
8KV air discharge  
3V/ M  
Power Supply Specifications  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
Optional DC Power Supplies  
(I) +12V DC Power Supply  
Input Specifications  
$"Input volta ge ra nge : +9VDC to +18VDC  
$"Input c urre nt: 10A a t +12VDC ma x.  
Output Specifications  
$"Loa d Ra nge :  
Min. Load  
Voltage Accuracy  
Rated Load  
1.5A (open)  
4.95V to 5.05V  
11.4V to12.6V  
-11.4V to –12.6V  
The output ra nge of +12V, -12V a nd down with +5V se tting.  
At fa c tory, a ll outputs in 60% ra te d loa d c onditions, the  
+5V output is se t to be twe e n 4.95V a nd 5.05V, a nd the  
othe r outputs a re c he c ke d to be within the spe c ifie d  
volta ge a c c ura c y ra nge .  
$"Ripple a nd Noise :  
The pe a k-to-pe a k ripple a nd noise for +5V output is le ss  
tha n 50mV a nd le ss tha n 100mV for +/-12V outputs, both a t  
ra te d loa ds. Me a suring is done by 15MHz ba ndwidth  
limite d osc illosc ope a nd te rmina te d e a c h output with  
0.47uF c a pa c itor.  
$"Line Re gula tion:  
The line re gula tion for +5V output is le ss tha n +/-1%, for 12V  
is le ss tha n +/-2%, for –12V is le ss tha n +/-3% while  
me a suring a t ra te d loa ding a nd +/-10% of input volta ge  
c ha nging.  
$"Loa d Re gula tion:  
The loa d re gula tion for +5V, +12Va re le ss tha n +/-3%, for  
-12V is le ss tha n +/-5%, me a suring is done by c ha nging the  
me a sure d output loa ding +/-40% from 60% ra te d loa d, a nd  
ke e p othe r output a t 60% ra te d loa d.  
Power Supply Specifications  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
General Features  
$"Effic ie nc y:  
The e ffic ie nc y is 70% typic a l while me a suring a t nomina l  
line a nd ra te d loa d.  
$"Prote c tion:  
For some re a son the powe r supply fa ils to c ontrol itse lf, the  
built-in ove r-volta ge prote c tion c irc uit will shut down the  
outputs to pre ve nt da ma ge to e xte rna l c irc uits. The trip  
point of c rowba r c irc uit is a round 5.7V to 7.0V. The powe r  
supply will go into la tc h-off mode a ga inst short c irc uit or  
ove r loa d c onditions, a nd ha ve to turn O FF a nd the n O N  
the DC input to re sta rt the powe r supply.  
Environmental Specifications  
$"O pe ra ting te mp. ra nge : 0°C to 50°C with forc e d a ir 20c fm  
$"Stora ge te mpe ra ture ra nge : -40°C to +85°C  
International Standards  
Safety Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following sta nda rds:  
UL 1950, C SA 22.2 NO . 234, TUV/LVD EN60 950  
EMI Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following limits::  
FC C doc ke t 20780 c urve “ B”, EN55022 “ B”  
Power Supply Specifications  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
(II) +24V DC Power Supply  
Input Specifications  
$"Input volta ge ra nge : +18VDC to +36VDC  
$"Input c urre nt: 5A a t +24VDC ma x.  
Output Specifications  
$"Loa d Ra nge :  
Min. Load  
Voltage Accuracy  
Rated Load  
1.5A (open)  
4.95V to 5.05V  
11.4V to12.6V  
-11.4V to –12.6V  
The output ra nge of +12V, -12V a nd down with +5V se tting.  
At fa c tory, a ll outputs in 60% ra te d loa d c onditions, the  
+5V output is se t to be twe e n 4.95V a nd 5.05V, a nd the  
othe r outputs a re c he c ke d to be within the spe c ifie d  
volta ge a c c ura c y ra nge .  
$"Ripple a nd Noise :  
The pe a k-to-pe a k ripple a nd noise for +5V output is le ss  
tha n 50mV a nd le ss tha n 100mV for +/-12V outputs.  
Me a suring is done by 15MHz ba ndwidth limite d  
osc illosc ope a nd te rmina te d e a c h output with 0.47uF  
c a pa c itor.  
$"Line Re gula tion:  
The line re gula tion for +5V output is le ss tha n +/-1%, for  
+12V is le ss tha n +/-2%, for –12V is le ss tha n +/-3% while  
me a suring a t ra te d loa ding a nd +/-10% of input volta ge  
c ha nging.  
$"Loa d Re gula tion:  
The loa d re gula tion for +5V is le ss tha n +/-3%, for +12V is  
le ss tha n +/-5%, -12V is le ss tha n +7% -3%, me a suring is  
done by c ha nging the me a sure d output loa ding +/-40%  
from 60% ra te d loa d, a nd ke e p othe r output a t 60% ra te d  
loa d.  
Power Supply Specifications  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
General Features  
$"Effic ie nc y:  
The e ffic ie nc y is 75% typic a l while me a suring a t nomina l  
line a nd ra te d loa d.  
$"Prote c tion:  
For some re a son the powe r supply fa ils to c ontrol itse lf, the  
built-in ove rvolta ge prote c tion c irc uit will shut down the  
outputs to pre ve nt da ma ge to e xte rna l c irc uits. The trip  
point of c rowba r c irc uit is a round 5.7V to 7.0V. The powe r  
supply will go into la tc h-off mode a ga inst short c irc uit or  
ove r loa d c onditions, a nd ha ve to turn O FF a nd the n O N  
the DC input to re sta rt the powe r supply.  
Environmental Specifications  
$"O pe ra ting te mp. ra nge : 0°C to 50°C with forc e d a ir 20c fm  
$"Stora ge te mpe ra ture ra nge : -40°C to +85°C  
International Standards  
Safety Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following sta nda rds:  
UL 1950, C SA 22.2 NO . 234, TUV/LVD EN60 950  
EMI Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following limits:  
FC C doc ke t 20780 c urve “ B”, EN55022 “ B”  
Power Supply Specifications  
PANEL PC 1000 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
(III) +48V DC Power Supply  
Input Specifications  
$"Input volta ge ra nge : +36VDC to +72VDC  
$"Input c urre nt: 3A a t +48VDC ma x.  
Output Specifications  
$"Loa d Ra nge :  
Min. Load  
Voltage Accuracy  
Rated Load  
4.95V to 5.05V  
11.4V to12.6V  
-11.4V to –12.6V  
At fa c tory, a ll outputs in 60% ra te d loa d c onditions, the  
+5V output is se t to be twe e n 4.95V a nd 5.05V, a nd the  
othe r outputs a re c he c ke d to be within the spe c ifie d  
volta ge a c c ura c y ra nge .  
$"Ripple a nd Noise :  
The pe a k-to-pe a k ripple a nd noise for +5V output is le ss  
tha n 60mV a nd le ss tha n 100mV for +/-12V outputs.  
Me a suring is done by 15MHz ba ndwidth limite d  
osc illosc ope a nd te rmina te d e a c h output with 0.47uF  
c a pa c itor.  
$"Line Re gula tion:  
The line re gula tion for +5V output is le ss tha n +/-1%, for  
+12V is le ss tha n +/-2%, for –12V is le ss tha n +/-3% while  
me a suring a t ra te d loa ding a nd +/-10% of input volta ge  
c ha nging.  
$"Loa d Re gula tion:  
The loa d re gula tion for +5V is le ss tha n +/-3%, for +12V is  
le ss tha n +/-5%, -12V is le ss tha n +7% -3%, me a suring is  
done by c ha nging the me a sure d output loa ding +/-40%  
from 60% ra te d loa d, a nd ke e p othe r output a t 60% ra te d  
loa d.  
Power Supply Specifications  
PANEL1000-370 All-in-One PANEL PC User’s Manual  
General Features  
$"Effic ie nc y:  
The e ffic ie nc y is 75% typic a l while me a suring a t nomina l  
line a nd ra te d loa d.  
$"Prote c tion:  
For some re a son the powe r supply fa ils to c ontrol itse lf, the  
built-in ove r-volta ge prote c tion c irc uit will shut down the  
outputs to pre ve nt da ma ge to e xte rna l c irc uits. The trip  
point of c rowba r c irc uit is a round 5.7V to 7.0V. The powe r  
supply will go into la tc h-off mode a ga inst short c irc uit or  
ove r loa d c onditions, a nd ha ve to turn O FF a nd the n O N  
the DC input to re sta rt the powe r supply.  
Environmental Specifications  
$"O pe ra ting te mp. ra nge : 0°C to 50°C with forc e d a ir 20c fm  
$"Stora ge te mpe ra ture ra nge : -40°C to +85°C  
International Standards  
Safety Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following sta nda rds:  
UL 1950, C SA 22.2 NO . 234, TUV/LVD EN60 950  
EMI Standards  
$"De signe d to me e t the following limits:  
FC C doc ke t 20780 c urve “ B”, EN55022 “ B”  
Power Supply Specifications  

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